Point Line


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Point Line


Point Line is a challenging puzzle game that challenges players to connect points using lines. With its simple yet addictive gameplay, this game offers a fun and engaging experience for puzzle game enthusiasts. In this article, we will take a closer look at how to play Point Line, some tips, and key features that can help you succeed in the game.

How to Play:

In Point Line, your goal is to connect the dots by drawing lines between them. The lines cannot cross each other and must cover all the dots on the board. The game is divided into different levels, each with its own set of challenges and objectives. As you progress through the levels, the difficulty increases, and you will encounter more complex shapes and patterns that need to be connected.

Tips and Key Features:

  1. Plan Ahead: Take your time to study the board and plan your moves before drawing any lines. Look for patterns and shapes that can help you connect the dots more efficiently.

  2. Use Diagonal Lines: Diagonal lines can help you connect dots that are further apart and can make it easier to complete the level.

  3. Use Undo and Restart Options: If you make a mistake, don't worry. You can use the undo button to erase your last move or restart the level to start over again.

  4. Don't Rush: Point Line is a game that requires patience and concentration. Take your time and think through each move carefully to avoid making mistakes.

  5. Use Hints: If you get stuck on a level, you can use hints to help you. However, using hints will reduce your final score, so use them wisely.


Point Line is a challenging and addictive puzzle game that offers a fun and engaging experience for players of all levels. With its simple yet complex gameplay and intuitive controls, this game is easy to learn but hard to master. By following the tips and key features mentioned above, you can increase your chances of success in the game and complete even the most challenging levels. So what are you waiting for? Start connecting those dots and see how far you can go in Point Line!



How to play

Using Mouse

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