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Introducing Lofidle

Lofidle is an exceptional music-based guessing game that plunges players into the captivating world of Lofi music. Against a backdrop of serene melodies and evocative soundscapes, players are tasked with identifying the source song from a collection of Lofi covers. With its blend of relaxation and musical intrigue, Lofidle promises an immersive gaming adventure that resonates with both music enthusiasts and casual players alike.


The rules of Lofidle are simple yet engaging, designed to captivate players and ignite their musical senses. Here's how it unfolds:

  • Listen Closely: Players are presented with a Lofi cover of a well-known song. They must pay keen attention to the melody, rhythm, and nuances of the music.
  • Identify the Source Song: The objective is to discern the source song from which the Lofi cover is derived. Players can draw upon their musical knowledge and familiarity with diverse musical styles to make accurate guesses.
  • Progress Through Levels: With each correct guess, players ascend through the game's levels and accumulate points. The challenge lies in achieving the highest score possible and unlocking new levels of musical enjoyment.
  • Immerse Yourself in Relaxation: Lofidle offers a tranquil and meditative experience, allowing players to indulge in the calming qualities of Lofi music as they embark on a journey of musical discovery and relaxation.


Lofidle transcends the boundaries of traditional gaming, offering a sensory experience that delights the ears and soothes the soul. Here are some standout features:

  • Lofi Soundscapes: Immerse yourself in the soothing sounds of Lofi music, characterized by its slow tempo, repeating loops, and tranquil ambiance.
  • Musical Diversity: Explore a diverse range of cover songs from various musical genres and eras, providing players with a rich and rewarding gaming experience.
  • Relaxing Atmosphere: Enjoy a serene atmosphere that fosters relaxation, focus, and mindfulness, creating the perfect environment for musical exploration.
  • Progressive Difficulty: Challenge yourself with increasingly difficult levels as you refine your skills and expand your musical repertoire.
  • Accessible Anytime, Anywhere: Whether unwinding at home, studying, or taking a break at work, Lofidle offers a relaxing and enjoyable gaming experience that can be savored anytime, anywhere.

Lofidle isn't just a game; it's a musical journey that captivates the senses and transports players to a world of serenity and discovery. Are you ready to embark on this enchanting adventure?

How to play

Using mouse

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