Magic Land


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Magic Land

Magic Land is a fictional game, and the description you provided is a creative and imaginative portrayal of a gameplay concept. This game description sets the stage for an enchanting and challenging adventure in a mystical world where players take on the role of a daring wizard.

Highlights of the Magic Land game 

  1. Daring Wizard Role: Players assume the role of a wizard in the game, suggesting that the gameplay involves magic and spellcasting.

  2. Magical Pumpkins: The objective of the game seems to be collecting magical pumpkins that are scattered throughout the game world. Collecting these pumpkins likely serves as the primary goal and a way to earn points or progress.

  3. Perilous Obstacles: The game world is filled with perilous obstacles. These obstacles could come in various forms, such as traps, enemies, or environmental hazards. Contact with these obstacles is described as dangerous.

  4. Mystical Rope: The mention of a mystical rope suggests that the wizard might use it as a tool or equipment in the game. It could be used for traversing the environment, avoiding obstacles, or reaching certain areas.

  5. Scoring System: Collecting the magical pumpkins appears to be the primary means of increasing the player's score. This score likely serves as a measure of the player's progress and skill.


How to play

Click the left button of the mouse to move the characters.

Mobile: Tap on the screen to move the characters Controls and Indicators: The scores are shown in the upper middle of the screen.

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